A South African Digital Marketing Strategy Guide

Digital Marketing in South Africa is becoming a hot topic of discussion. With many companies still focusing on branding rather than marketing, there is a massive opportunity for those brave enough to try digital marketing. While you can get by with old marketing strategies having a solid Digital Marketing Strategy is a vital part of succeeding in business today just take a look at how much the old way of using ads has seen a massive drop in what corporations are willing to spend on ads. How can you adapt your company’s most effective digital marketing tactics for 2022 today? Are radio and television advertising obsolete marketing methods? What kind of optimisation attracts the attention of consumers? 

What is Digital Marketing? How does digital marketing differ from Social Media Marketing? Let us answer all your pressing questions! 

What is Digital Marketing? 

Digital Marketing can often be called Internet Marketing or even Online Marketing. It is the combination of multiple online streams of advertising. This can include Paid Per Click Advertising (PPC), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Video Content, Online Media, Online Public Relations, Email Marketing and much more. 

A Digital Marketing Strategy takes into account all of these types of marketing and uses them to grow your brand and sales. 

Other examples of Assets that fall under Digital Marketing: 

  • Your website 
  • Your Blog 
  • Your free resources (if you have none get some!) 

  • PR Articles 
  • Logos, icons, acronyms, etc 
  • Video content (video ads, product demos, etc.) on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, etc. 
  • Images (infographics, product photos, business pictures, and similar) 
  • Written content (blog posts, eBooks, product descriptions, testimonials, etc.) 

  • Online products or tools 
  • Reviews 
  • Social media pages 

All these parts of your Business are valuable. Together with a digital marketing strategy, they can create a strong business image. 

How will your Digital Marketing Strategy Differ in South Africa? 

South Africa is a truly beautiful and unique country, and marketing to the population of South Africa will be different from the rest of the world. So how do you allow for this in your digital marketing strategy? 

You have to be more certain of who you are targeting. This can be a specific area, demographic, or interest. These are vital to know as otherwise, you could be wasting money targeting the wrong group of people. 

You have to build trust. South African’s in general are not trusting of new or smaller companies. Often they prefer to go to bigger companies rather than the smaller ones. This means you need to work locally with influencers and publications to grow your name and trust. This can take time and you need to be patient. But your patience can pay off tenfold if done correctly with the right product. 

Digital Marketing Is Essential but Content Stays King 

The more the number of digital strategies and campaigns your organisation can generate, the greater the number of outcomes you will see. Email marketing blasts, webinars, and podcasts are examples of popular digital strategy campaigns, but let’s discuss the tools you’ll need to get your new marketing initiatives off the ground and in front of customers. To remain relevant in this era, produce informative content about your business in the form of blog posts, articles, “how-to” content, videos, charts, and more. Your content enables your audience to see themselves interacting with your brand, product, or service. 

Increased content dissemination will eventually produce leads, bringing you closer to making a sale. With BRBD, you have the opportunity to collaborate with a trustworthy team that creates the essential materials to complete your digital strategies and even better compete. 

Do you need a lot of Money to do Digital Marketing? 

This is an old fallacy that seems to follow new companies around. Yes, you can spend a lot of money on digital marketing in South Africa, but you don’t need to. We have focused on building low-cost solutions for small businesses for that specific reason. 

If you focus on optimising your Digital Marketing to only include the items you need, you will be able to cut down wasted costs, saving you money and getting better results. In marketing it’s all about optimisation! 

Which Digital Marketing Strategy is right choice for you? 

Every business is different and has different needs. This means no one size fits all strategy will work for every business. Instead, it would be best if you focused on an integrated and optimised approach to use the platforms, methods and strategies that work for you. 

Some items to take into account when building your Digital Marketing strategy: 

  • Know what your Competition is doing – Your competitors are an excellent resource for generating new ideas and gaining an understanding of the available possibilities in the market. Keeping track of what your rivals are doing might help you stay one step ahead of them. 
  • Focus on Keywords – The use of keywords is essential to both SEO and social media marketing. Before beginning to design your approach, you should first ensure that you have done significant research on relevant keywords. 
  • Focus on what your customer wants, not what you want your customer to want – It is a mistake we all make, we get so caught up in everything and focus on what we want rather than what our customer wants. Find out and focus on what your customer really wants. 

Digital Marketing in South Africa is a great way for most businesses to get more leads and grow their voice. With a well-developed and thought out Digital Marketing Strategy you can grow your audience and your conversions. Make sure to focus on optimising your plans to market more effectively. 

If you are looking for an agency to develop a strategy for you or to take over your digital marketing, let us give you a free quote! 

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