Online Lead Gen

Online Lead Gen

Generating Leads online is a popular way of generating leads. It may help with social distancing for now, but it is a great long term strategy to implement. With their creativity and cost-effectiveness, Google advertising can be a great way to grow your brand online. Online lead gen helps you save time and money by utilizing places like Facebook & Google Display Network to showcase your products and services.

But which place should I use?

There are so many that is hard to choose from, but today we are going to look through Google display ads and why you should use them.

google display network

What is the Google Display Network?

Google Display ads are the ads you see in the right-hand side of YouTube or the picture ads you see on some of Google’s partner’s sites. These are visual ads that make use of pictures and videos to attract and advertise to the users. These ads are a great way to showcase new products and brands.

Why Should I use them?

They offer a wide reach of people that can be specifically targeted based on what they are searching for and their interests. This helps you target your customers directly minimizing wasted ad spend. Their wide reach also allows you to reach people on many different websites thanks to Googles Partner Websites.

Are they cost-effective?

Yes! With ads running from as little as R5 per day, you can advertise on almost any budget. The ads also allow people to click through to your website to make sales.

Google Display Ads are a great way to grow your business and generate business leads online. They can display new products and products suited to the individual user. If you need help with creating ads that make your business grow, contact us now!

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