Should You Be on TikTok?

The social media platform that has taken the world by storm over the last couple of years, TikTok, has proven itself to be one of the most profitable digital platforms in the world. From personal influencers to a variety of businesses and brands, the platform has drawn a lot of attention for its short-form videos and the trends that emanate from them. 

Therefore, the question for your business is whether you should get onto the platform. The answer is a definite “yes”, but only after you’ve asked yourself some questions and have some answers. 

Let’s have a look at a couple of the questions you should ask before deciding whether or not your business should join TikTok.

Is Your Target Market on TikTok? 

The first thing you can do to find out the answer to this question is to actually sign up for a personal TikTok account and have a look around to see who’s using the platform and how.

Look for your kind of customers and do your research as to what they’re engaging with on the platform. You can also pay close attention to who’s active on TikTok in your industry and get some helpful examples of how they use it. 

Does TikTok Give You Opportunities to Add Value to Your Target Market?

If you find that your audience is on TikTok, you then need to figure out if you can give them something they want or need that will be of value to them.

TikTok isn’t like other social media platforms. That means you’ll likely not succeed by being very sales-orientated or corporate-sounding. Think about the content that works best on TikTok, then consider whether it’s something you and your team can deliver in a consistent and continual manner.

Is TikTok Worth Your Time and Resource Investment?

There’s always a cost when you commit to a social media platform. That cost doesn’t have to be money; it’s usually time and energy! You’ll need the capacity to create and publish engaging and witty videos on a regular basis to get the most out of TikTok, so thinking this through thoroughly before committing is an important step. 

Can You Do Things on TikTok That You Can’t Do on Other Platforms?

TikTok provides a unique opportunity to do something different and exciting that could utterly delight your target market. The platform has popularized short-form videos with a very different tone than other social media channels.

Ask yourself if there’s an opportunity for your business to do something different with your brand voice or style on TikTok. Would that thing be valuable to your target audience?

Does the TikTok Platform Align with Your Overall Social Media Goals?

If your business gets onto TikTok for the buzz and trends it provides and not because the platform can potentially add more value to your audience and grow your business reach, then perhaps you should rethink it. 

TikTok can do much more than just grow your brand organically. It can also drive conversions as well as build customer loyalty to your business. In thinking of TikTok’s benefits, ask yourself whether they line up with what you’re trying to achieve with your social media goals. 

To TikTok, or Not to TikTok

Once you’ve done some research into the above questions, you should be in a much better position to accurately decide whether or not your business needs to jump onto the TikTok train. 

If you’re in need of some help to get your business started on TikTok (or any other social media platform), we’d love to assist. Just head over to our website to book a call with our founder, Brad, who can take you through everything that we can do for your business. 

We look forward to meeting you!

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