How to use Social Media to create leads for my Business in South Africa

One mistake we often see people making is that they try to use social media to sell too much! Social media needs to be used as a soft sales otherwise you will land up like those shoe salespeople in the mall that you avoid! They don’t get leads to business, as the leads run!

If you sell too much or too hard without adding value to your users, your users will run away. Literally! And this clearly hurts not only your business but your brand and everything that follows it! But how do you sell correctly? Can you actually get leads from social media? Can you get leads to business?

Leads to Business
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How do I avoid overselling?

When we get asked how to not oversell, we simply say don’t sell at all. Let me explain, too much selling is way worse than too little. The idea of using social media with your business is to have value that people can connect and resonate with!

Think about it this way, how often do you watch a full YouTube ad? Hardly ever? This is because they are often used to sell directly. And if your profiles on social media are like this, people will merely skip you!

So if you are worried that something is too salesy, it probably is! So rather don’t post it or reword it.

How do I use social media to sell correctly?

Social media is essentially the new way to get and give referrals. Facebook has even built-in features to ask for recommendations if you are looking for something, to assist with this. And so, having strong content that is sharable and informative will help build the community around your brand. This will mean when someone asks for recommendation or wants to rave about you, they have a place to do it!

Focus on producing high quality content about what you do, tips, quotes, community building and more! What this is exactly varies from Brand to Brand and location. But it is vital! Sometimes, you may need to hire in a social media marketing company to help you plan and strategize, other times you can do it by yourself!

Leads to Business
Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay

Will this create leads to my business?

Yes! Over time your brand and reach will grow. Soon clients will be contacting you via your social media to enquire and use your business! And this makes it very cost effective over the long run! This will help get leads to business!

With so many ways to market your business, it is important to know what is best for your brand. We have helped brands grow from 0 to 150 followers in no time! We have sold and helped sell over social media! It is possible in South Africa and using our Digital Marketing Agency could make things a little easier for you. But regardless, producing and posting high quality content on Social media will help grow your business in 2021 and beyond!

Remember, don’t over sell!

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