Should Your business be on Facebook 

Facebook seems to be a challenging, landscape. With meme’s, videos, and a whole other style of communication. Is it worth the effort for your business to try and fight for attention in this saturated market? 

Yes, is the simple answer, with a user base of just over 2.7 billion monthly users. Not being on Facebook is like turning down free exposure. There are not many other situations where you can reach your target audience on their couches. Although, growing an audience on Facebook is not as simple as it seems.  

But, cat video’s 

“If cat videos can obtain millions, surely my informative content that is actually providing value will do billions” some people might assume. However, growing a following is a bit more complicated than that. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try, or even had this aspect of your business over to the professionals.  

When done correctly, Facebook can be a tool used to generate thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of leads with the correct strategy.  

Old School Marketing 

In the past, if you had a great product, you had to ensure that it was either good enough to get information spread via word of mouth or you had to choose a prime location. Newspaper or radio ads were only for the Mega-corporations, and way too expensive for a budding, or even successful medium sized business.  

What happened when your business had just started, and word of mouth wasn’t enough? Or people started spending less and less time outside thanks to the changing of seasons? What if all the Prime locations in your city has already been occupied, or the nature of your business doesn’t require a premises? 

As you can see, Old School Marketing doesn’t seem to get one very far, especially not in the modern world, where we have more zoom meetings minutes than minutes of our commute. We can’t run away from the fact that the world is becoming increasingly digitalised.  

But isn’t marketing spammy? 

“I hate seeing those ads when I’m scrolling through my Facebook account, I don’t want people to have the same experience and feelings toward my business” This is a valid concern you might have. To put it simple, the people who curated that content simple didn’t know what they are doing. 

The goal of digital marketing is to create trust, brand loyalty, and overall POSITIVE emotions towards your brand. We do this by creating HIGH-Value content, that your audience wants to see. In a way that balances your needs as a business, ie. Generating leads, and creating a community around your business. We don’t focus on the numbers, but rather forget the ego metrics, and make sure every customer feels heard. 

In short, yes, your business should be on Facebook. Although, not following the correct strategy might cause your business more harm than good.

Book a 1 on 1 with us today, where we can help create a strategy with you, for your business to succeed:


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