What does BRBD stand for?

BRBD Pty Ltd was formed in February 2019 in Cape Town South Africa. The company is now referred to as BRBD or BRBD Marketing – Expanding Your Reach. But what does BRBD mean? It is a question people often ask? An assumption most people make is that it is a playoff the founder’s name Brad, as it has 1 letter difference. And this is probably just a lucky coincidence.

The real meaning is Be Rad Be Digital. The founder was often known as B-Rad, and so being “rad” was a word he often uses. So he wanted to work it into the name of his company while still remaining relatable. He wanted to bring South Africa into the new day of Online Marketing, as this has been shown to be slow growth in South Africa. The thought behind the name is if you want to be rad you need to be digital.

What about BRBD now?

So now Be Rad Be Digital is often referred to as BRBD Marketing – Expanding Your Reach. This is because they are a marketing agency that is focused on expanding the reach of your business through new and innovative solutions.

Social Media, SEO, PR and PPC are all great places to gain more reach and customers. However, it needs to be done in the correct way to show value, rather than just selling.

Businesses evolve over time and we are happy with where we are now! And now that you know a little about our history, why don’t you become a customer too! We would be happy to sit down with you and discuss how we can grow your business in the online world.

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